Cloud Accounting
Get real time up to date information as and when you need it. The cloud is a virtual platform like online banking giving you access to data and software anytime, anywhere from any device.
Benefits of cloud accounting:
No more worries about using software that is not up to date;
Only one copy of your accounting records not old backups to confuse you;
User defined access allowing certain people access only to what they need;
There's no need to install and run applications over a desktop computer. Instead, you pay for the software by monthly subscription, no more costly upfront license fees;
Data capturing into accounting systems is almost a thing of the past with cloud applications such as ReceiptBank able to use optical character recognition to capture supplier invoices and till slips automatically, and
Cloud applications are accessible with most devices 24/7.
We proudly associate with SAGE in offering you cloud based accounting and payroll solutions.